Themes for Google Chrome
Beautiful Themes That Work
These dark background Optic themes feature high contrast text for quick navigation through controls and bookmarks and a bright header bar on the active tab to make it easier to find. The high resolution graphic backgrounds are easy on the eyes, great to look at and make a terrific looking cover-up for a busy desktop. Enjoy!
These dark background Optic themes feature high contrast text for quick navigation through controls and bookmarks and a bright header bar on the active tab to make it easier to find. The high resolution graphic backgrounds are easy on the eyes, great to look at and make a terrific looking cover-up for a busy desktop. Enjoy!
The BlueGalaxy4921 OpticBlue Hubble6 theme features an incredible high resolution deep-space image of spiral galaxy NCG 4921 surrounded by other galaxies in the Coma Galaxy Cluster. High contrast blue text on a dark background is great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The AndromedaBlue2 OpticBlue WISE3 theme features a dramatic high resolution space telescope image of the Andromeda galaxy suspended in a sea of stars and high contrast blue text on a dark background. Great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks and available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The CSunset2 OpticAmber theme features an original image of a beautiful sunset over the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Anegada Island and high contrast amber text on a dark background. It's a beautiful and relaxing theme that's also great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The MarsLayers1 OpticAmber HiRISE5 theme features a beautiful high resolution satellite image of ice-rich sedimentary layers in the northern polar region of Mars and high contrast amber text on a dark background. It's an out of this world scene of colors and textures and \great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The StarburstGalaxy1 OpticRed Hubble4 theme features a spectacular high resolution Hubble Space Telescope composite image of the starburst galaxy known as Messier82 and easy to read high contrast red text on a dark background. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The CatsEye1 OpticRed Hubble3 theme features a high resolution image of the Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543) using data from the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory coupled with easy to read high contrast red text on a dark background. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The RedSunSpicules OpticAmber NSO1 theme features a high resolution image of the surface of Sun coupled with easy to read high contrast amber text on a dark background. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The AndromedaBlue OpticBlue WISE1 theme features a high resolution infrared space satellite image of the Andromeda Galaxy coupled with easy to read high contrast blue text on a dark background. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The MarsVictoria OpticWhite MarsCrater1 theme features a high resolution satellite image of the Victoria Crater on Mars coupled with easy to read high contrast red text on a dark background. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The CelestialEye1 OpticRed Spitzer1 theme features a high resolution infrared Spitzer Space Telescope image of the Helix Nebula (a.k.a. 'God's Eye') coupled with easy to read high contrast red text on a dark background. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The JupiterRising OpticWhite Cassini1 theme features a high resolution Cassini satellite image of Jupiter coupled with easy to read high contrast white text on a dark background. It's a beautiful look at the swirling clouds surrounding the largest planet in our solar system. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The AndromedaRed OpticRed WISE2 theme features a high resolution infrared space telescope image of our neighboring Andromeda galaxy coupled with easy to read high contrast white text on a dark background. It's a beautiful image of another galaxy that's great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The ChocolateMars OpticWhite MarsDunes3 theme features a high resolution satellite image of chocolate colored sand dunes on Mars coupled with high contrast white text on a dark background. It's a beautiful theme filled with fascinating textures from another world that's also great for navigating through bookmarks and tabs. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The BlueMars OpticWhite MarsDunes2 theme features a high resolution satellite image of red-tinged blue sand dunes on Mars coupled with high contrast white text on a dark background. It's a beautiful theme filled with fascinating colors and textures from another planet that's great for navigating through bookmarks and tabs. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The GreyMars OpticWhite MarsDunes1 theme features a high resolution satellite B&W image of sand dunes on Mars coupled with high contrast white text on a dark background. It's a fascinating image of shadows, shapes and textures on another planet that's also great for navigating through bookmarks and tabs. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The Hubble1 Pinwheel OpticRed theme features a stunning high resolution image of the Pinwheel Galaxy coupled with high contrast red text on a dark background. It's a fascinating theme featuring a beautiful Hubble image of a galaxy, far, far away that's also great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The SepiaCat OpticAmber theme features an original image of my cat (he insisted!) coupled with high contrast amber text on a dark background. It's a striking theme that won't take its eyes off you and that's also great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The CSunset OpticAmber theme features an original image of a Caribbean sunset coupled with high contrast amber text on a dark background. It's a beautiful theme from one of the most beautiful places on Earth that's also great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The OrangeClouds OpticAmber theme features an original image of sunset lit clouds coupled with high contrast amber text on a dark background. It's a soothing theme of sunight, sky and clouds that's pleasing to look at and great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The Clematis OpticAmber theme features an original image of a Clematis blossom coupled with high contrast amber text on a dark background. It's a beautiful and striking theme that's also great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks. Available in 1920px, 1600px, 1280px, 1024px, 800px widths. More...
The Optic Series Themes for Chrome are dark background themes with high visibility text that's easy on the eyes and great for navigating through tabs and bookmarks. Available in white, amber, green. blue and red. Fits seamlessly on any size screen More...